With this theme of the conference in mind, MMI is offering three different formats for engaging in discussions: i) oral presentations, ii) roundtable discussions, and iii) poster presentations. Proposals are encouraged from students, faculty heads, administrators, or community members committed to the systematic scholarly inquiry into aspects of migration, global integration, and gender diversity internationally. We encourage proposals that demonstrate collaborations and engagement with policy makers, youths, with other instructors and among multiple disciplines and contexts.



MMI CONFERENCE, 2025 requires abstract submissions of not more than 250 words from individuals or groups (panel, roundtable, and workshop proposals), be sent as attached Microsoft Word files to MMI CONFERENCE email at on or before December 20th, 2024. The author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and contact phone number should be provided under the proposed paper title before the abstract. Successful abstracts will be announced by January 27, 2025. Completed papers are required no later than May 4th, 2025, for blind peer review.


MMI is dedicated to fostering fairness and inclusivity, encouraging applications from youths, visible minorities, scholars based in Africa, Asia, Latin America, individuals with disabilities, refugees and those of any sexual orientation or gender identity, regardless of rank or career stage. The intellectual, social, and cultural vibrancy of MMI is enhanced by the active involvement of individuals from diverse backgrounds. We extend a special invitation to students, particularly those pursuing graduate studies, to submit abstracts for consideration.


If you require support documents, we can provide you with the company’s registration documents as support from our side, however, this not guarantee visa approval.

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